Monday, October 16, 2006

A short, Noiresque rant

I got up from an unfulfilling sleep, finding myself lying on a familiar bed in a familiar darkness. The only thing unfamiliar to me then was an annoying ringing in my head, like those you'd wish the construction boys next door would stop. I began massaging my temples with the hope that it'dd go away. It didn't.

With tired eyes I groped in the darkness for the clock on my study desk. 3AM.

Why am I even awake at such an ungodly hour?, I asked myself. I slept enough last night...

Then I remembered the bouts of lethargy I experience these days. Out of nowhere, slumber would suddenly stretch her arms out to enfold me; I had always obligingly let her caress me with her soft, reassuring touch. Always.

Still, sleeping is a nagging problem whenever I wake up and discover that there's work to be done.

I put the clock down and flipped the switch on a table lamp. Stupid thing to do; the sudden change from dark to light forced me to squint and drove the ringing to go up a few notches. With the dim brightness of the lamp, I inspected my study desk. A papery mess with an assortment of stationery strewn about, as well as a whole bunch of numbers staring back at me like I was an animal at the zoo.

Damn, I thought out loud, again. Accounting revision.


A lot of people keep asking me why I bother with a subject I intensely dislike - hate is such a strong word - especially since I'm paying upwards of RM 2,500 for this subject. My answer, invariably, was that I had no bloody choice in this matter; it's a compulsory first year subject for Business students in Monash (I'm majoring Economics and most possibly Banking & Finance, by the way).

I've always hated intensely disliked accounting. I've no problems with numbers, though, so I think it may be attributed to the utter ennui of routine and tedium (read: BORING 2 DA MAXX) of transferring numbers from here to there and making sure that everything adds up together.

Adding to this intense dislike is the fact that Monash University indiscriminately forces you to purchase an accounting software called Quickbooks (Student Version, no less) that you must use to complete one assignment. And how much does it cost for a CD of this needless program (at least for non-accounting majors)?

A whopping RM 215!

Shiiiiiiiit. Multiply that with an annual intake of approximately 400 Business students, Intuit Inc. makes about RM 80,000 from poor kids like me every year. And that's just the Malaysian campus! I can already imagine Intuit's CEO grinning evilly in his office as he rakes in the cash from his company's profitable partnership with Monash, as well as numerous other colleges around the world.

"Two billion dollars!"

Incidentally, Intuit Inc. recorded USD 2.0985 billion in revenues for the fiscal year ended July 31 2005. Coincidence?


Yeah, actually it is...

EDIT (9:30 AM): I stayed up until 7:00, when my mom offered to make me breakfast. But I fell back to sleep before I could eat... Slumber is a fickle mistress.

Zhen was here at 3:51 am,