Thursday, October 12, 2006

Bitch and Moan...?

I think I'm turning into a woman.

*Cue gasps from readers*

Okay, that's a gross exaggeration. In any case, I've always had this tendency to bitch and moan about everything under the friggin sun. These days, though, I find myself doing a whole lot more of this. Exhibit A: Blogging three times in a week, when I used to update only once in three weeks (sometimes months).

But for this blog post, I think the bitching and moaning is justified... but of course, otherwise I wouldn't be wasting my time doing this in the first place. That, and because I'm utterly bored, I don't want to study, Chea Ean's not online, and I ran out of webcomics to read.

So here's the situation: Back in late July, I decided to join an storywriting contest sponsored by MPH. I've always thought of myself as a somewhat decent writer of stories, considering that back in secondary school - to put it simply - I was better than most. Of course, the delusion was immediately shattered when I went down to Singapore, where almost all the scholars' England very powderfuller than mine. But I decided to join the contest anyway, since a little bit of creativity - which I pride myself on - and luck might actually bag me a prize of some sort. After producing a piece - there's also a story behind this - that I was sufficiently happy with, I submitted it.

Flash forward to today. I went online to check the shortlisted stories:

I didn't see my name anywhere and became extremely disappointed as a result. Then I noticed the following...:

...and became pretty irritated. Two people got shortlisted twice?! Their stories had better be damn good. MPH has yet to display the stories online, so until they do, I have all the right in the world to hate these two authors who filled up four spots on the shortlist (which could've been mine!).

*Bitch bitch bitch moan moan moan*

I actually planned to go full gear into a PMS-like condition, but after letting someone give his unbiased criticism of my story, I came to realise that my writing was actually pretty lousy to begin with. And he was right; the plot and idea was good, but the style bored to tears.

Hence, there is now another item to add to my list of "Things which I am only marginally good at":
  1. Drawing
  2. Singing
  3. Writing (NEW!)
Of course, this list isn't exhaustive as there is a shitload of other things in which my proficiency is sorely unspectacular. But I won't. Let it be summarised that I am a - to use the highly clichéd expression - Jack of all trades, master of none.

Maybe more like Jackass of all trades. Sounds like an appropriate piece of information to place on my business cards. That is, if I ever have the need for business cards.

P.S.: Can someone please tell me how to get accented letters like the 'e's in cliche and Pokemon to work in Blogger?

Zhen was here at 11:16 pm,