Thursday, September 14, 2006

It came to a grinding halt... how best to describe the status of the aforementioned love life. Just a month and a half after we got together, we've gone from the closest, sappiest, most tak tahu malu couple I ever knew (to the extent that I surprised myself with the fact that I am actually capable of excessive public displays of affection...), to being 12,000km and 15 hours apart. Pretty sad state of events, don't you think? I had it coming, though... Well, I won't be sappy about it here, I'd rather keep that aspect of my life personal.

In any case, as a parting gift, I took time off to make her something that she could bring along. Yup, it's amateur portrait time! I didn't have time to scan it, though, so I could only manage to take several photos of the completed drawing (notice that I'm a lousier photographer than I am an artist):

Then I got it framed:

The more I look at this picture the more I feel
that it looks eerie as heck

Notice that I'm even worse at making photos look nice. There's a good reason for this; I was very deprived as a kid (and teenager). I never got to use a camera. In fact, the period of my life from age 7 to 17 was marked by a severe lack of picture taking. Even when I was in Singapore, I had to rely on others to get myself shot on film.

I soooo need a personal digital camera.

But I digress. Back to the drawing. I set it up as a surprise gift for my girlfriend (how I did it, I won't tell... at least not in this blog) with which I successfully surprised her. Score!! And yet, she didn't even take it with her to California; apparently, it was weird to have a black-and-white picture of yourself in your room... She said that she would have preferred a picture of the both of us together.

Bleargh! The reason why I didn't put myself in the picture was so that the gift could remain neutral throughout her life; even if she were 40 and happily married (to someone else) and with kids, she could still display this in her bedroom or study. My brain didn't manage to capture the 'weirdness' part...

I still love her to bits, though~

Well, that's about it for now. I'm actually swamped with a lot of work and commitments these days to the extent that I was able to get relatively interesting material to put on the blog but lacking the time to actually write them. In fact, I should be doing my assignments right now, but I got too bored of them.

Anyway, the commitments I'm involved with currently are:
  1. The Young KL Singers (I don't think I've actually mentioned this)
  2. Monash Nature Society (or this)
  3. Something I'm not supposed to publicise right now (this too)
  4. Goddamn assignments! (eh?)
  5. Girlfriend
I just realised that I almost never blog about my personal life. Oh well. That could change in the near future. When I have the time!

Zhen was here at 9:42 am,