Here's a few pictures taken during the Malaysian Affair concert thanks to Yin and her friends. The resolutions are pretty lousy, though.
(Some of) The jantans
The YKLS in all its glory, during the first half
Since I always forget to bring magazines to read, this is what I do during the breaks between songs
Sometimes, we'd camwhore. Balqis here is a six footer! Leonard, on the other hand, has eyes that glow green
Second half, singing our Bujang Lapok (Old Bachelors) song! The three in front are the aforementioned bujangs.
To quote Johnny Bravo: "Who's that handsome guy?!"
The dancefloor at the cast party. This is the only picture with me in it...
And I'm spent. Sadly, that's all the good pictures that I have. The rest are all super-blurry and have terrible lighting (no flash allowed), so I won't waste Blogger's bandwith with them. So there, people!