Saturday, October 21, 2006

Mug like crazy!

M-m-m-m-mug like (until?) crazy!

It's that time of the year again, boys and girls! When men and women alike race against their clocks ticking terrifyingly towards doomsday, when college students consume countless cups of coffee to careen the sleepless nights, when people pitifully ply past year papers with prayers for perfect performance, and when Zhen unnecessarily undertakes the uninspiringly dreadful duty of writing really irrational and annoyingly asinine alliterations!

Yes, people, the evil examinations are just around the corner. Once again, my room turns incredibly messy from the papers scattered about, and stationery lie everywhere.

As usual, public enemy number one is Accounting. I've been sleeping only four hours a day from working on that intensely disliked subject. I already have thoughts of upping the dosage of caffeine from the meek Nescafe to the mighty (but in my opinion overpriced) Red Bull. Tongkat Ali, anyone?

This is where the 'magic' happens (ape nak buat, awek takde). I like the ambience created by my table lamp but unfortunately the light reflects off the graphite from my pencils much too well for my liking. I also have iTunes running on my computer in the background there, probably playing some Beatles music; A Hard Day's Night would be so appropriate, don't you think?

Then there are moments when you get too sick of posting journal and ledger entries that you begin to get distracted. Which happens to me so often that I waste as much time as I spend studying... Still, heroes in a half-shell, TURTLE POWER, yeah!

However, as I take the current circumstances and conditions into consideration:
  1. Very messy room
  2. Very many long, sleepless nights
  3. Very little sleep
  4. Verily vilifies very vexing vocation (even more annoying alliterations, Batman!)
  5. Very easily distracted
Wait, don't these things already apply to me all the bloody time?


I guess it's typical for people in university. In any case, I hope I don't get bitten by the bug to blog for the next two weeks, so hopefully this will be my last post until after the finals. To all of you taking exams in one form or another, good luck, aiiiiiiite? And to muh bruthahs and sistahs a Happy Deepavali and Aidilfitri to y'all. Peace out, yo. Woooord.

*Cue obnoxious rap music, like those on Darren's blog*

Zhen was here at 10:54 am,