Thursday, March 29, 2007

Losing it

This semester, Thursday is one of the dumber days; wake up at six in the morning for a one-hour class at eight, then a two-hour break before a class at eleven... Then a very long break which only ends at five, for another lecture, which ends at seven. So, I find things to do during those really long breaks.

Today, I decided to draw. The idea came when I wondered; what would it be like if my mind snapped? What would happen if the relatively cheerful, happy-go-lucky, can't-bring-me-down, high-on-life Zhen Yao finally loses it? Then the pen started moving...:

All without the aid of liquid paper!

Everyone has a limit, I think. A point of no return, after which a person's sanity is irrevocably scarred. After that, it's cuckoo batshit crazy time, people. If such a fate were ever to befall me, keep a camera at hand to record all the stupid things I do while I'm stark raving mad. And once you think you've been entertained enough, institutionalise me and hope for the best.

If I recover, then show me the tape. If I don't, please oh please stick a .44 magnum revolver up my mouth and proceed to blow my brains out... I heard it's not as painful as hanging, and I've always wanted to go out with a bang.

Pointless Fact of the Day:

From this day on, I'll end my posts with a random, pointless fact. The trick to appearing more intelligent than you really are is to load yourself with this sort of useless trivia, so you'll always have something to say in a conversation.

Anyway: Malaysia's inflation rate is somewhere between 3% to 4% last year. Zimbabwe's, on the other hand, is around 1,700%. This means that, say, a bottle of milk which costs $1 today, would cost $18 in a year's time.

Zhen was here at 8:55 pm,