Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How I loathe Streamyx

I am of the opinion that the majority of Malaysian bloggers (or any Malaysian who use the internet enough) will go through a phase or two of extreme contempt towards our national broadband ISP that warrants a Streamyx-bashing blog entry. Today is my turn to rant lyrical.

And the cause of my loathing isn't in any way due to the fact that the undersea cables in Taiwan aren't repaired yet; if that's the case, my connections to sites overseas will be riddled with slow speeds and errors, which aren't so much of a problem right now. Instead, it is the frequent disconnects from the service while I'm in the middle of something that pisses me off; and there isn't much what irks a man more than being interrupted as he is deep in the middle of something.

You don't turn off the TV when a guy is watching the EPL semifinals. You don't ask a boy to quit a basketball game and come home for dinner when there's five more points to game. You don't bother a man who's labouriously chewing his rib-eye steak away (and damn it, sometimes they're a pain to chew).

By that same logic, don't cut my internet connection when I'm halfway through my downloads, or when I'm chatting with a friend in New Zealand, or when I'm gaming online and disconnecting would mean an entire wasted hour! It's just... uncivilised. We pay almost 80 bucks a month and this is what we get? And this went way back for years already, long before any earthquake hit any breakaway island nation (and I'm not referring to Singapore).

I want my high speed broadband! I want my uninterrupted gaming and chatting sessions! And when the cables in Taiwan get repaired, damn it, I want to download House and Grey's Anatomy and Heroes and Lost at 40kbps speeds again!

I'm past the breaking point; someone needs to be accountable. Tomorrow, the people at TMNet are going to get an earful from me. Apparently, if enough people complain, they'll actually do something. That's probably the Malaysian way, reactive rather than proactive (which is still better than passive, though)...

But tomorrow's a holiday. And at the moment, I have a game to get to, and people to chat with. Maybe some other time, then...


EDIT: The internet died on me, again, immediately after this post when online. That's like the 50th time today.

EDIT EDIT: It died, again, after I posted the last edit.

Zhen was here at 7:15 pm,