Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Post CNY Update

Chinese New Year is over, and the angpow collection business is rather terrible this year. The amount I collected (excluding those from my own parents) totaled up to less than last year's; and last year's was less than half of RM500. And our dear Government said that the economy was picking up. The tanking of the angpow industry told me that they had been lying all along.

Well, it's tradition. The monetary value attached to a red packet isn't really that important, I guess. And hey, it's the Government. Try naming one that doesn't lie.

As always, I fell sick after coming home from the CNY holidays. Mr. Throat Infection (I gotta find out his name from the doctor) and accompanying fever symptoms came a-visiting. Even my close pal, Mr. Oral Ulcer, dropped in for a visit, bringing his entire family along.

So imagine how pissed off I was when I, a sick man, woke up too early in the morning with a plugged nose and a throat as sore as a pair of jeans on the Oscars' Red Carpet, and discovered nine brand-spanking-new mosquito bite marks (that's a conservative number because I may have missed some) on my body. Oh joy!

It's as though natural selection decided to play a cruel trick on all mankind and gave the bloody pest the ability to sniff out people who are already in pain, in addition to it already being a carrier of a myriad of debilitating diseases.

If the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had familiars, Pestilence's would be a friggin' mosquito.

I am all for wiping that blasted insect off the face of the planet. What kind of ecological niche does it fill, seriously? It's an almost irrelevant part of any food chain (not a major predator or prey), so Nature's only use for the creature must be as a very morbid method of population control, the likes of Ebola and the bubonic plague included. Or maybe she likes to watch us squirm and scratch, and when she's really bored, a play-by-play of some poor soul kicking the bucket from malaria or dengue. That sadistic bitch.

And thus, in conclusion, I quote the wise words of the guys at Hitz.fm: "Don't take any chances. Kill them before they kill you." And especially for all you people out there who make love to numbers, here's a simple mathematical proof of why mosquitoes should be wiped out:

The world would be a better place, Q.E.D.

Zhen was here at 3:24 am,