Friday, January 20, 2006

This Was A Long Time Coming

Firstly, forgive me if the title is grammatically unsound... What's the proper way to use "A long time coming" anyway?

Secondly, I have returned, after a 4-month-long hiatus. I wanted to post something after the prelims, but most of the time I was either too busy studying, or too busy indulging in frivolous, unconstructive pursuits. So, boo-hoo, no updates for you.

But the A-level's are over, I'm back home in Malaysia, and as there is no in my friend's house with which I could do Mephisto runs with my Level 86 Sorceress (I have a social life as active as a cold red snapper ready for the fire), it is now time for some typing. Rejoice!

Cue unenthusiastic applause and cheers.

And as this is a blog after all (regardless of what I said about blogs in one of my much earlier posts), I'll attempt to update my "avid" followers on the going-ons of the simple life of Yin Zhen Yao since finishing the exam of his life (thus far).

1. Grad Night/Prom Night/Shameless commercialisation of students leaving school
Compared to my previous stint, this one was a complete blast. In 2003, I went for the SMK Subang Jaya prom with a nice change from my old hairdo (I used to have really thick, long hair which was always preyed upon by disciplinarians in my school) but a terrible outfit to go with it. So terrible that after I got home, I spent half an hour rerunning the whole event through my mind with myself in a nicer choice of clothing.

Yup, it was that screwed up.

So I learnt my lesson and went in a more conventional shirt-and-suit ensemble which was economical to boot (I borrowed almost everything). I took photos too, but will refrain from posting them here lest I scare the living hell out of some of you. Just a precautionary move, y'know, in case you see something you don't like.

There was an after-party at the IndoChine club too, and some dancing... But it was so crowded that a quarter of the time, my group of guy friends and I were working hard at keeping the girls from my class at a safe distance away from lecherous JC1s (ie younger than us and technically not of legal age to enter) through ingenious gerrymandering of the dance floor.

It was still all fun though.

2. Coming back home...
...involved a great deal of packing, and required my parents to drive all the way down to Singapore to pick all my stuff up, including a JVC 21-inch TV we bought to play the PS2 on.

3. Got back my old job
Yup. I got it back. The only job I've ever taken: clowning in Genting. It was only a two-day stint though, beginning on New Year's Eve. There were 18 of us working on the first night, entertaining the massive crowd that frequents the Genting First World Plaza every year on that day. It required lots of twisting of balloons and arms and legs. For some of the 18 it was a one night stand... They were good at playing the Chinese yoyo, complete with fires burning on the sides of their yoyo hubs.

The following day was less eventful; only 5 of us worked. Break time was really boring as we had already checked out of our hotel rooms and had nowhere to go. So, we wandered into shops where people we knew worked, including Osim and BumCity. Worse, we (my brother and I) couldn't get back home that night because of the thick fog which made it dangerous for buses to head down (at least, we think so, so we didn't get any tickets). Instead, we had to bunk in at an apartment rented by one of my brother's friends'...

4. Getting my driver's license
Finally, two years after most of my friends had already done theirs... Even my younger brother (the same as above) is going to complete his before mine. Not much to add though.

5. Bummed around a great deal
I don't really need to explain this, right?

Just to show you how free I am, click this link to learn something interesting I found out about a genius inventor/prophet of a coming messiah.

And I'm spent.

Hopefully, I'll be more consistent with updating this thing. Until next time, may you achieve immortality.

And once again, forgive me for the ultra-anticlimactic ending to my entry.

Zhen was here at 5:47 pm,