Sunday, May 29, 2005

A Luxury Relinquished

The internet access to the room has been... Well, cut off, to put it simply. Thus, I had to resort to visiting a cousin just for internet. And since I can't stay here all day, this post is just a note to all my diligent readers (har har) that I might not be updating in a while. That's about it.

Have fun y'all, and happy holidays.

P.S.: Watched Star Wars over the weekend with my clustermates last week. It's a fun movie to watch, although I must say, it seemed kinda rushed:


Anakin and Dooku continue their fight. It is intense! Finally, in one last energized charge, ANAKIN cuts off COUNT DOOKU's hands. The Jedi catches the lightsaber as it drops from the severed Sith Lord's hand. COUNT DOOKU stumbles to the floor as ANAKIN puts the two lightsabers to his neck. PALPATINE is grinning as he watches COUNT DOOKU's defeat.

PALPATINE: Good, Anakin, good. I knew you could do it. Kill him. Kill him now!
ANAKIN: I shouldn't . . .

ANAKIN cuts off COUNT DOOKU's head. A huge EXPLOSION somewhere deep in the ship rattles everything.

ANAKIN: ... I couldn't stop myself.

Right... You've been a Jedi almost all your life and suddenly a two-word command is enough to make you slice off someone's head, against your own will. Next:


MACE WlNDU: You Sith disease. I am going to end this once and for all.
ANAKIN: You can't kill him, Master. He must stand trial.
MACE WlNDU: He has too much control of the Senate and the Courts. He is too dangerous to be kept alive.
PALPATINE: I'm too weak. Don't kill me. Please.
ANAKIN: It is not the Jedi way . . .

MACE raises his sword to kill the CHANCELLOR.

ANAKIN: (continuing) He must live . . .
PALPATINE: Please don't, please don't . . .
ANAKIN: I need him . . .
PALPATINE: Please don't . . .

Just as MACE is about to slash PALPATINE, ANAKIN steps in and cuts off the Jedi's hand holding the lightsaber. As MACE stares at ANAKIN in shock, PALPATINE springs to life. The full force of Palpatine's powerful Bolts blasts MACE. He attempts to deflect them with his one good hand, but the force is too great. As blue rays engulf his body, he is flung out the window and falls twenty stories to his death. No more screams. No more moans. PALPATINE lowers his arm.

PALPATINE: Power! Unlimited power!

His face has changed into a horrible mask of evil. ANAKIN looks on in horror. PALPATINE cackles.

ANAKIN: What have I done?

And less than a minute later:

ANAKIN kneels before PALPATINE.

ANAKIN: I pledge myself to your teachings. To the ways of the Sith.
PALPATINE: Good. Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth . . . Vader.
ANAKIN: Thank you. my Master.
PALPATINE: Rise, Darth Vader.

And a little ways after that:

ANAKIN enters a room full of YOUNGLINGS huddled in a corner.

YOUNGLINGS: Master Skywalker, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?

ANAKIN looks back at them with a stern expression on his face and ignites his lightsaber.

Within the space of ten minutes, Anakin had transformed from Jedi to Darth Vader, and evidently, his morals disappeared in the process, too. Where's the plot progression in that? And how can you kill off Duku Langsat after less than five minutes of lightsabre duels if Yoda couldn't even do it in Episode II? What the heck???

P.P.S.: The script is taken from

Zhen was here at 4:09 pm,