Sunday, April 17, 2005


A certain somebody commented that my first post " was a fantastic waste of space".

I couldn't agree more.

However, in light of that comment, I realise that some people do not understand the purpose of my blogging, and as a result, leave this page uncontented. Therefore, to prevent any further mishaps and complaints, I will provide a disclaimer. For those of you who are vocabularily-challenged, that is "a repudiation or denial of responsibility or connection". Kudos to those who know what repudiation means, because I haven't got a clue at the moment. Anyway;

If you came here expecting Pullitzer-prize material, you should click on the little cross at the upper left corner of your browser now. You would be wasting your time reading anything posted here. I am blogging for fun and enjoyment, etc. Pleasing everyone who visits here is, unfortunately, not my priority.

Moreover, even if customer satisfaction was indeed my intent, I would suck at it anyway. As I have so nicely reminded at the top of this page, expect to see half-assed posts. If you want a good time, you probably have came to the wrong place. I strongly suggest that you look somewhere else for entertainment. Play a video game or something. I heard that Halo 2 is fun, you should try that. Or if you really must read a blog, there are better ones out there. I highly recommend a friend of mine's, Bryan Tan. It's chock-full of metaphors and inspirational material, which I personally believe in as well (which in turn saves me a lot of time and effort, because I don't have to repeat whatever he says, and he pulls it off with much more flair than I do anyway).

Besides, if I use too much figurative language to make myself sound more serious, I'd probably start hurting my head. It just doesn't sound very natural, not very me, I think. For now, I'll just write like this; my England not that powderful.

Tankz joo veri march for ridding.

Zhen was here at 10:39 pm,